My last post was in December? It seems unreal that it's taken me so long to update the blog, but we've been super busy. Busy finishing the 2nd floor and the pieces of the 1st floor we had left until we finished upstairs. There was so much to do, it's been a blur of time for us to get it finished. Erik did the majority of the work. Drywalling, mudding, sanding, painting, hanging doors, trimming, tiling, flooring. We did have a good amount of help from our "Watertown Angel" Brian King, who came up several times to help with the big push for the tile in the bathroom and trim for the windows. Some highlights for the projects we had to deal with upstairs. The floors were beyond uneven- I believe from one end of the house to the other was off by 5" in places. Erik had to shim the floor nearly every 2 ft in order to lay the flooring out and have it work. Originally, there was linoleum throughout the upstairs which hid the problem, well sort of. Erik made it work to the best he could and was able to lay out the flooring.
Our first room we finished was the bathroom. We stole some space from the larger of the bedrooms to make the bathroom a bit more spacious, it is a wonderful space now, that 2 people can share without ending up with someones elbow in their ear. The tile is probably our favorite part of the room. Erik tiled the entire wall behind the tub and toilet. It looks like wood. It is modern and warm. It reminds me of our honeymoon to Europe. There is only one hot air supply for the 2nd floor, so we added a panasonic Whisper Warm to the bathroom, it vents the air, has a light and also heats the space. It seems to be the best solution to adding some heat to the room. Our bedroom was the next room to be finished and it is great to be living upstairs again. Bartlett is very happy to go upstairs to bed as well. We have a small window that we want to add to the dormer wall, but we are going to wait to do that for a bit.
The guest room is ready for visitors! However, in the next few weeks we aren't sure if you want to make a reservation anytime the last room we finished is for the baby! Who is soon to arrive in the next four weeks.
Below are a few shots of the upstairs.
Hall looking towards our bedroom.
A sneak peak into our bedroom. We added the small window next to the double hung.
A sneak peak into the bathroom, you can see the tile surrounding the tub looks like wood- but it's ceramic tile. It's awesome.
The guest room, so serene and peaceful for the next few weeks.
The baby room.
And in a few short weeks, the real work will begin!!
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