Tool Belts

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lost & Found, Demo Phase 2 & beginning of Demo Phase 3

While Bartlett & Gunnar lounged on the deck all weekend looking for squirrels and ducks to chase, we were busy inside finishing Phase 2. Let's re-cap since my last post was Jan. 1st and I am a little delinquent in filling in what we've been up to. Phase 2, was gutting, rewiring, insulating, and drywalling and mudding of the existing part of the house. We are nearly done with this Phase 2.  
 I decided if we wanted to finish this phase 2 business, we needed to clean out the little room at the top of the stairs. Originally, when we first moved in I had boxed all unnecessary items in our life and put them in storage, in this room. When we built the addition for the mudroom, we had a space that we thought we could potentially use as storage. Phase 3 is to gut, rewire, and insulate the 2nd floor. So I needed a place to put everything that was in this room. So I removed everything- looked through each box and evaluated if we still needed it. If it made the cut it went in the storage space above the mudroom. The photos below show the built-in that were left over from the Capano family.

There were two beds and a corner unit to fill in the awkward corner of this room. It is really a small room, and this is a good solution to where to put the beds. Not sure we will do anything different to the layout, but we are so far away from furnishing this space. Time to demo....

 Below are the little "treasures" I found in the built-ins. A little kid's watch, a toy soldier's gun, and a goth ring that had some tape on it. I imagined these belonged to Debbie. I believe this was her room growing up.
 Erik in the meantime worked painstakingly to rip up the old kitchen floor. We thought we could salvage the existing pine floor, but it was filled with too many holes from various plumbing and patches. It wasn't worth saving. It looked like at one time there was a wall in the middle of the small room as well? Of course the flooring was attached with spiral nails. Spiral nails are just about like screws. Impossible to remove. It took a good two days to get the all the old pine up. Beneath the pine was the subfloor which was in fairly good condition after we removed the 40 lbs of dirt that was laying on top. Of course, what wasn't laying on top, slipped down through the subfloor and went into the basement. So, lucky me, I got to clean that up too.
 Below is the line where there had been a wall. This part of the house just get's more curious. Maybe it was a stall for some animals? The amount of dirt on the floor, it looked like they were still living there.

The photo above is the subfloor all clean and ready for new flooring. Stay tuned for more on that later.

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